Diana’s Home Birth

We had had two healthy and beautiful baby boys. We wanted to grow our family and had just moved to St. Peters, Missouri. Right on schedule, we conceived yet again. Hurray!

I had enjoyed great pregnancies and felt confident about giving birth. However, both of my first two babies had come 8 days past the due date and “big” - 9# 13 oz and 10# 10 1/2 oz. I did not want to be treated as if there was something wrong with me and face another hospital induction with Pitocin and the requisite epidural.

So…we began to look into home birth. What?!?! Family and friends thought we were nuts. WHY would anyone of sound mind look to go through pregnancy and birth outside the well-established and highly developed medical system of one of most “advanced” countries in the world? I read everything I could about physiologic/unmedicated birth and connected with people who had experience with delivering their children in the safety and comfort of their own homes.

As it turns out, we weren’t nuts at all. We found a fantastic midwife who had been caring for homebirth families for decades. With her care, my pregnancy went along beautifully and we prepared for baby’s arrival with our then 5 and 3 year olds. My mom would plan to fly up to help once baby was here.

Well, this little one’s due date came and went. The nursery was painted a bright pink and blue, as this was the first time that we had not found out the gender ahead of time. At 2 1/2 weeks “past dates”, my midwife suggested the castor oil cocktail. It was a disgusting blend of castor oil and orange juice with a pinch of baking soda. It worked! We got ice cream from a favorite local place and watched Johnny Depp in Don Juan DeMarco that evening.

I could tell that contractions were picking up between 10 and 11 at night. We contacted the midwife and my experienced homebirth friend who would help us with our boys. This was my first unmedicated labor and birth, and although things became intense, it was infinitely easier to manage at home in my own space. I moved around, ate and drank as desired and spent a lot of time in the warmth of the shower.

Baby was born in our bed at 4:30 in the morning! Our two older boys came in shortly after he emerged and loved on him immediately. We now had THREE! Little did I know that I would always be in the “Boys’ Club”. Our third son weighed 11 pounds 4 ounces. His birth was a glorious accomplishment for me. I felt so empowered!

It can be difficult to explain to others the difference it makes in how we are treated during pregnancy and childbirth. I had good care with my first two babies: CNMs at a university hospital, then our family doctor at a well-known regional hospital. Still, I felt like my body was defective. I could conceive and grow a baby, and feed it well after birth- but I had not been able to deliver either of them on my own strength. The midwife who helped us with baby #3 approached me as a person. She listened to my story and held space for my experience. I desperately wanted to go through physiologic labor; she gave us the tools and the backup to do that.

Home birth became a lifestyle choice for us. For those who are called to it, it can be the most satisfying way to bring forth children into the family. I am thankful to my amazing husband whose support has never wavered.


Rachel’s Home Birth, Accidentally Unassisted & Precipitous!


Maddie’s Precipitous Home Birth