Amanda’s Hospital Birth
To tell the story of my natural births we need to start with my first labor and delivery with an epidural. To be honest as far as first time labor and deliveries go I can’t complain. I was at the hospital for about 8 hours total before I gave birth to my first son. The epidural did it’s job during labor, I did pee myself because I did not know they took out my cath because I still didn’t have full feeling back, haha! It was a good laugh though. The issue for me was how I felt for the weeks to come. I had terrible headaches and other side effects I felt were from the epidural.
Fast forward 5 years and I am preparing for the birth of my second son! I always just figured I would go the same route with an epidural but this time I researched my options. After looking into natural birth I was of course scared but I found water births. So I found a midwife who would let me deliver in the water in a hospital and that was the plan. It was so much more freeing being able to walk around and move as my body needed during labor. I was only at the hospital for about 3 hours until i delivered my baby and I really contribute that to being able to move and listen to my body. The water truly was amazing and helped soothe (as much as possible in labor) it was a beautiful, magical and perfect experience. Even better without all the medications in my system I felt amazing afterwards and stayed that way for the weeks ahead. It was a perfect way to deliver my last baby.
Jokes on me... fast forward another 5 years and I was surprise pregnant with my third son. It was not even a question in my mind on my labor plan, it would be a water birth in a hospital again. Unfortunately this pregnancy I had severe HG (basically, extremely bad morning sickness that lasted the whole pregnancy), I was bed ridden, had a pic line and a zofran pump. All this made me soo anxious so I looked into a Doula and I found Rachel. I don’t regret it! Again thanks to the freedom of moving around and being my third I delivered within about 2 hours Of being at the hospital and the water was amazing. Having a Doula this time was so great. All I had to do was focus on my loved ones and they focused on me. Rachel helped walk me through every step and every need. It made for another magical labor and delivery. She advocated for me and my birth plan. Also, because my body was more weak than ever because of my condition, she made sure my nutrition needs were met during labor. Having her help to prepare my body with Spinning Babies exercises for labor in the weeks ahead was extremely so helpful.
I just can’t explain how thankful I am to be able to have experienced two healthy and natural births. My body knew what to do, and I was able to listen to it without medication interfering and the help of a great Doula and midwife.
Side note, even if you can’t deliver your baby in the water, I highly recommend using water to soothe during labor.